TeenTech Hull – The Teachers’ Verdict

TeenTech Hull – The Teachers’ Verdict

Teenagers get a huge amount from TeenTech but so do teachers! It’s a chance to get up to speed with what’s happening in Science and Technology, to refresh lesson plans and to make some valuable contacts with the business world Don’t take our word for...
TeenTech goes live at the KC Stadium

TeenTech goes live at the KC Stadium

It’s a big day for TeenTech on July 14th. Our first event outside the Thames Valley takes place at the KC Stadium in Hull. At the moment flight cases are littering the floor, as the very latest technology  pours into the Insight Exhibition Zone ready for...
TeenTech comes to Humberside in July

TeenTech comes to Humberside in July

Teenagers from schools across Humberside will conduct experiments, handle leading-edge technology and meet the engineers, technicians and scientists from world class companies at the KC Stadium on 14th July. The event, created by Tomorrow’s World reporter Maggie...
TeenTech Reading

TeenTech Reading

What a fabulous day! Many of the UK’s top technology companies were at the Madejski Stadium on Friday to show teenagers how careers in Science, Engineering and Technology can be cool. Students from 30 schools met the people behind their favourite gadgets and gizmos...
TeenTech Reading makes an early start

TeenTech Reading makes an early start

On Friday 18th March, teenagers from 30 schools across Berkshire will travel to the Madejsky Stadium to meet up with cool scientists and engineers who’ll be letting them try out their very latest technology. But TeenTech began early on Monday morning, when...