November 19th 2015 – BBC Broadcasting House
Want to find out more about careers in digital? Interested in meeting industry leaders from very different sectors who can share what they really need from future employees? Want to take away some ideas for the classroom?
This event is suitable for all teachers and head teachers whether or not their students are attending TeenTech events and will offer valuable insight into careers in the digital world, covering all industries from aeronautics to film production, cyber security to healthcare.

1700 Arrival at BBC
1715-1720 TeenTech welcome
1720-1730 Why digital skills matter
1730-1745 Industry Panel with Q&A
1745-1815 Hands on with the micro:bit session. It can be used across many subject areas. How can you use it in your classroom?
1815- 1830 Students and Apprentices share their experiences of digital pathways.
1830-1915 Optional Tour of BBC New Broadcasting House – if you do not want to take part in this, you can depart at 1830
Please note that places are now full for this event however you can register here to be put on a waiting list should we have any cancellations. Please contact [email protected] for details.