TeenTech Roehampton Festival 2024

TeenTech Roehampton Festival 2024

On Thursday April 25, The University of Roehampton welcomed school students from 20 schools across London to take part in challenges and experiments with leading companies and university departments in the TeenTech Roehampton Festival.  We’ve worked with...
TeenTech Cardiff

TeenTech Cardiff

After two years and 25 virtual events, we’re thrilled to be running the TeenTech Cardiff Festival in person! The festival will bring local and national companies face to face with students and their teachers to engage in hands-on activities aimed at opening...
Announcing TeenTethics

Announcing TeenTethics

We’re thrilled to be able to announce a new project funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering. Our TeenTethics initiative is one of 16 new Ingenious awards for public engagement, designed to inspire the next generation of engineers. There is growing recognition...