TeenTech Festivals have been created to enable young people to access a variety of activities and explore the many opportunities available to them, now and into the future.
We are committed to ensuring everyone has a valuable and enjoyable experience during all our activities and appreciate all the support from students, schools, colleges and universities. To comply with TeenTech’s ethics and our Child Safety and Protection Policy, please share the following with your students and ensure they have understood and agreed to the following:
- I understand that enjoying the activity and being safe means, I need to follow the behaviour code and safety rules, being mindful of others.
- I will listen and show respect to all others during presentations and group activities. We want to create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable to safely share their ideas and opinions, even when they may differ from others.
- I will be responsible for personal belongings.
- I will not share my personal details with anyone.
- I will participate in all activities, listen carefully to all instructions, follow them and be polite to all staff, each other, business ambassadors and members of the TeenTech team.
- I will talk to my teacher if I am not comfortable at any time during the activity so they can help me.
- I will stay within my allocated group, follow the itinerary and make sure I am ready for scheduled activities.
- I agree to receiving emergency medical treatment if needed according to parental permissions.
- I will not take pictures, videos, recordings or other images of any staff, students, or others present without the specific consent of all individuals concerned.
- I understand that the official photographs or film might be used to tell other people about TeenTech: I will alert anyone if I don’t wish to be filmed or photographed during an activity.
- I will respect the environment and facilities provided, and dispose of waste/rubbish in the bins provided.
- Our full Child Safety and Protection Policy can be read here.
- Our Data Privacy Policy can be read here.