The sponsor for the Teacher of the Year Award will be announced shortly:
TeenTech appreciate that behind every student project entered for the TeenTech Awards lies the dedication, time and organisational skills of a teacher or technician who has taken on the considerable extra work and planning that entering a competition of this type involves.
This year we want to acknowledge and celebrate the work teachers put in to help students benefit from extra-curricula activities like this. We were immensely touched by the way so many teams thanked their teacher for giving them the opportunity to take part and we want to acknowledge this effort.
In 2017 TeenTech Teacher Award certificates will be sent to to teachers whose students submit projects for the Awards. All teachers with teams in the final will be considered for the ‘Teacher of the Year” Award but Teachers are eligible to receive the Award, whether or not their teams qualify for the final. £1000 will be given to the teacher who the judges consider has evidenced the best implementation of the TeenTech Awards in their school.
We don’t want this to cause an extra work on top of what you already do – we want to celebrate and publicise the work of good teachers.
How to enter:
- You will automatically be considered for an Award when you enter your pupil teams for the TeenTech Awards.
- When students submit their electronic projects in March we will ask you to write a short (under 500 word) report on how you have run the Awards in your school and the benefits to pupils.
Finalists will be invited to The Royal Society and asked to give a short presentation to judges describing how they supported and guided students through their project planning and development.