Digital and Data Skills

✔ For students in years 7-11
✔ For students in years 12-13

Teams may enter a stand-alone project or ask for projects in other categories to be considered for this award.

Digital and data skills are core skills for our fast-changing world. Developing these skills is useful not only for future careers, for the innovators of tomorrow, but also for our everyday lives.

Our judges have noted that many entries demonstrate exceptional design and programming skills and many also make imaginative and powerful use of data.

To be considered for this category you will need to evidence your use of digital and /or data skills. You do not need to be an expert, you may be using certain tools for the very first time. Just let us know what digital/data tools you are using.

The goal of this award is to raise awareness to our students of the importance and prevalence of both digital and data skills use. TeenTech hopes to encourage young people to develop the skills that will continue to be the thread running through all areas of innovation.